At Your Service

You are at the centre of the service model because it is your goals, values and realities that drive your financial plan, education, day-to-day support and peer networking plans. We listen seriously to you and strive to understand you through one-on-one meetings and questionnaires as well as regular learning and networking events. We take your satisfaction seriously, which is why we invest regularly in client satisfaction surveys.

Financial Planning
Financial planning is the process of evaluating your current long-term investment plans and risk management tools to ensure that you are taking steps today that will allow you to retire at your desired age and lifestyle. In this review, we ask the question - how ‘good’ is your current financial plan now? What needs to be done? What is it doing for you? What should it be doing?

Day-to-Day Financial Support
Financial plans are created for the future, but financial decisions take place every day - especially in the lives of business owners. The Rice team offers day-to-day support, allowing you to focus on your business while knowing that you are making the right decisions. Click here to see a list of day-to-day financial support examples.

Peer Networking
Primarily women business owners. We facilitate this by offering you several professional forums and learning events where women business owners can learn and network together.

What We Offer You

Traditional Investments:
Discover the full range of investments available, from GICs and bonds, to stocks and mutual funds.

Mortgages and RRSP Loans:
Save money with a Manulife ONE mortgage and instant approval RRSP loans.

Financial Planning:
Helpful guidance for a comfortable retirement, post-secondary education, and estate planning needs.

The Rice team regularly hosts informative events for our clients, such as The Client Education and Appreciation Series and the Women Business Owners IDEX (Ideas Exchange) Forum.

“Customized Investment Solutions for Women Business Owners”